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WHAT A GREAT SUMMER - But time to get to work!


Hey Whistlers, I know it's been a while, but there's so much to try and keep track of and it’s been a wild and very fun Summer! But Summer is over and it’s time to get back on track. For starters, I have a television interview on Monday, September 27th at 11:00 A.M. with WCCA Television in Worcester Mass. It promises to be very cool and I will provide more details on its airing as I get them!

My next book signing is extremely exciting to me because it is at another great locally owned Newport bookstore that is right down the street from my firehouse at Charter Books. Please come and check it out – and this one is due to get crowded fast so come early. It’s on Saturday, October 9th, from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. (maybe longer if we’re all having fun.). I will post more details on my website; and on Facebook.

In the meantime, I would like to give an update about Whistle's "ROCK NOVEL".

After much deliberation, my entire team and I have decided to push the release of the audio version back to around November. After listening to some of the finished product with narration and especially the original music, we have decided that we all want to put out the best product possible to all Whistlers and there is SO MUCH material that we have recorded that it all deserves to be heard, but ultimately, we have to choose! So, however long it ends up taking I promise you, it will all be more than worth it in the end. (After all, we are creating an absolutely new audio book genre!) In the meantime, let's all help the #whistlebrigade continue to grow. It's getting huge!



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